The first thing I suggest is usually CGP Grey’s Youtube Video:  Spaceship You.

Spaceship You

This is because it’s a free Youtube video requiring only the investment of about 11 minutes, and also because no matter where you are or how you are doing, this is going to be an eye opener; and it’s going to allow you to make big improvements right away.

I was already a fan of Grey, ( enter link to manifesto on why you should be too, along with recommendations of which videos to watch).  but I saw this shortly into Covid lockdown as I was drifting, nay drowning in the abrupt change. I had already been home in semi-lockdown for almost 2 years after being rear ended on the freeway led to a persistent concussion and wasn’t coping well with the changes.  Our home is very small and being full all the time was leaving me very stressed.

The video provides a simple but helpful model on how to lay out and ‘sanctify’ the various stations in even the tiniest homes; as well as guidelines for structuring time.  I am ‘time-blind’, and so I’ll be sharing a lot on how to make time work better, but this video is a GREAT starting place.

Foreshadowing:  Grey instructs that you are the engine in your ship, your life, the physical and mental are parts of the whole; ‘the physical has better handles’.  This is important, it’s a good place to start and we will build on it later.

The next few posts will get our bearings, but this video will give you plenty to think about and hopefully help you on your way to your best life.

Ciao for now!


